Welcome to our players, partners, and friends page. Enlightened Play is committed to ensuring that you receive the answers you’re looking for regarding our products. We want you happy and joyful!

Players, we will be building a community play board as soon as possible. Give us until next year though, as we are busy making your games as we speak.
Retailers, we adore you and want you to be happy too! If you need to purchase items in quantity, please use our friendly Wholesale site to access your company info and get your discount rate.

Our Retail Friends is for everyone wondering where they can go to pick up a game from your local toy or game store. These stores are fun places to go and browse, talk to the clerks (big game players!) and just be around a lot of happy faces.

Because you are an enlightened being, you probably want to know more about events that our non-profit friends and we are participating in together so we will try to keep this area up to date. Also we offer the latest information we have from our friends in how you can make a donation directly to their organizations. Please, come and join us! Remember, the decisions you make in life can affect so many!

Also, contact us or leave us a comment to let us know how we’re doing. We want to live our mission and our values at all times. If you have questions or just want to chat, drop us a line.

Contact Info:
Enlightened Play! Website
10519 W. Warren Dr.
Lakewood, Colorado 80227
Email: Enlightenedplay@enlightenedplay.com

We are a new game design and publishing company focused on making “gateway games”: games that are easy and fun for traditional boardgamers (e.g. Monopoly players), but interesting and strategic for serious gamers. At Knightweaver Games, we hope to draw J.Q. Public into the wider world of great games.

Knightweaver Games Website
Knightweaver Games, LLC
5190 Ingersoll Pl.
Boulder, CO 80303
Email us: sales@knightweavergames.com
Call us: 720 841-9652

The original idea for Straight Up Chess was born out of a chess set I made many years ago. The table is 44” square with maple and walnut tiles. The board sits on 14-inch turned walnut legs so you can relax in your chair and view the playing surface. I turned the chess pieces out of walnut and cherry. The Kings are 12 inches tall. You can move the chess pieces around the board without leaving your chair using hooked sticks, turned from walnut and cherry. The table takes up a lot of room and I have searched for a place to display it many times. It has been in my home, my office, offices that belong to others and at times in storage. In the fall of 2007, I considered taking the legs off the table, mounting the board on the wall and putting shelves to the side of the board to display the chess pieces. Then just before Thanksgiving, while sitting on eternal phone hold, I envisioned how that chess set would look on the wall, and it hit me ‘What if I could put it on the wall and still play chess?’ In that instant Straight Up Chess was born.

Contact Information:
Straight Up Chess Website
PO Box 2466
Englewood, CO 80150-2466
Phone: 720-837-0114

Music Wizard

About us:
We at Music Wizard Group™ believe that the language of music is a birthright that anyone can learn and enjoy, at any age, regardless of experience. We provide the means to unlock and ignite the creative musical genius inherent in us all. Our target market is anyone who wishes to enjoy, play or create music, regardless of experience. Whether it is your first time, you are starting again or you are recovering from a less than positive music experience in the past, our products are for you.

Contact Information:
Music Wizard Group
Allegro Multimedia Inc
7367 Glacier View Rd.
Longmont, CO 80503

Toll-free: 877-742-6604